Pluto Product Update - December 2022

We know the end of the year can be hectic, but there's still enough time to run analyses and generate new results from your data in Pluto. Here's a wrap-up of some of the latest news and features in Pluto to help spark some new ideas ✨

Organization analytics

See your end-of-year wrap-up with real-time metrics for your whole organization

Creating executive-level summaries of scientific results can create a bottle neck, especially at the end of the year or having to report monthly to funding agencies. Pluto's real-time analytics are making this process more seamless so your team can focus on the science!

Visit the Metrics tab in Pluto to get a live snapshot of all of the work your team has put in this year. Share the summary of projects and experiments with your company leadership or other stakeholders.


New publication! 💜

The Russ Lab at the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes at the University of Colorado School of Medicine analyzed their bulk RNA-seq data in Pluto and published their novel findings in the journal Cells.


Read the full announcement to learn more about this clinically-relevant research, and how Pluto enabled faster figure-generation from complex data.

Experiment highlight: CUT&RUN

This up-and-coming assay got its very own blog post from Pluto last month. Analyzing CUT&RUN data? Learn the fundamentals and try analyzing CUT&RUN data for yourself in Pluto.


Coming in January: New NIH Policy

Is your team up-to-speed on the new NIH Data Management & Sharing Policy going into effect in January? We compiled an actionable checklist to help ensure that you're prepared. Learn more or download the white paper.


And even more new features to try

Longitudinal analysis

Analyzing experiments with multiple timepoints? Investigating how a biomarker changes with age? Create dynamic line plots in Pluto.


Experiment provenance

Track every experiment along its collaboration journey. When an experiment is cloned, you can now view its provenance and follow the linked experiments end to end.


Try out any of these features in your lab space or contact us for more information.